poetry by (the)Doug

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Variation on Danielle's Poem

First grade, fifth grade, something something 101, entry level, 401 K, Roth IRA:
rough timeline of reduction in the amount of questions asked in your life, like:

Would you party like an old man if she said chocolate?

Exactly how do hungry kids dance today? (they start with this simple truth: don’t walk tonight where music is)

What are day? (as opposed to ‘Which ain’t night?’)

Why did he?

How does love eat house?

To reverse the timeline, do not wait on Doc Brown,
follow these simple steps:

Smile big at her
Ask him or have dinner
Need bad ugly car
(Remember it will make them look)
Ride up the thing going on time
Tell the day go take me
Clean tomorrow and you could get mother
Little talk when we want money please
Drive out for good shopping

Follow these and you will get back to being who you were before you were:

a beautiful wild woman kissing hot food.

danielle's poem

would you party like an old man if she said chocolate?

I'm crazy now so smile at her big

little talk when we want money please

I live to need bad ugly car

beautiful wild woman kiss hot food

let's clean tomorrow and you could get mother

remember it will make them look

don't walk tonight where music is

how do hungry kids dance today

love can eat house

ride up the thing going on time

ask him or have dinner

tell the day go take me

what are day

why did he

they drive out for good shopping