poetry by (the)Doug

Friday, April 23, 2010

Nothing Nearly

I didn’t realize it
was Wednesday until it was Thursday.

I didn’t realize it was Spring
until seven dogs barked
all at the same time.

The heat did not click on
because, you’d say, it was
warm enough outside—

because, really, I believe, the
cat left the shades undrawn
and the sun was
waved through the
checkpoint of solitude

and warmed all the more
than just that patch of couch
I lay on when
you are not here.

DD Form 214

I won't be
ordered anymore

to kill
any more brown people


(no folding, ironing, forming,
gas-masking, pt-ing,


not by me–
but it will
go on
and on
until we've fucked
all the differences away)

so they say.